Friday 9 December 2011

Health Care System Rocks!

We constantly hear from critics about excessive wait times, overcrowding and the rising cost of the Canadian health care system.  That is not what I want to talk about today.

I met a truly nice bunch of professionals yesterday at the Ottawa Heart Institute.  From the bubbly ward clerk to the helpful and funny nurses; to the young enthusiastic volunteers and the cardiac plumber who talks fast, works hard and cracks really quick jokes, I could not have felt more relaxed or confident as a catheter was threaded from my wrist to my heart!

The prognosis is that I will live to enjoy another day, have more opportunities to talk with my wife, our kids and grandkids and blog a bit more from my basement study.

My thanks go out to all those at the Heart Institute, including the "B" and "C"-team blood takers who capitulated to the "A" team to put in my IV (I warned you!).

Say what you will about the warts of our system, but I left in good shape, with a positive experience and my house doesn't need to be remortgaged.

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