Wednesday 10 August 2011

Welcome to the Mysteries of Canada Blog

The purpose of this blog is to allow authors on to comment on issue affecting Canadians and others.

"History is what happened two seconds ago" and "History is written by the victors."  I do not know who originally said these words but they were never more applicable than today.  Recently, I have been assailed by critics of my site and accused of being closed minded on issues.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  As a historian I seek facts that lead to truths.  Sometimes my research leads me to challenge popular conceptions of people and events.  Because I chose to support an issue from one side does not make me closed-minded.  If further research produces compelling facts that alter truths, then I assess them and many times change my mind on issues.  Many times, though, I do not change my mind but remain open to alternative truths.

A case in point was the recent brouhaha over Louis Riel.  While I still see Riel as less than a traitor to Canada, I, none-the-less, offered space to writers with conflicting views.

The second reason for this blog is to allow me to comment on issues of the day - because they are tomorrow's history.  I will try to maintain a level field of politics but sometimes that will be impossible.  If I chose to criticize the government of Canada, you may construe that I am anti-Conservative. But because the current government is Conservative criticizing the government does not mean that I am anti-Conservative.

That being said, this blog is not mine, it belongs to the people who participate in Mysteries of Canada.  ENJOY!

Bruce Ricketts
Mysteries of Canada

1 comment:

  1. As a 40-year member of the Liberal Party, I would suggest it's going to be hard for you NOT to be anti-conservative, even if you think you are being fair and anti-partisan.
