Monday 15 April 2013

When you are a Con you can argue that a tax is not a tax... and actually believe it.

The Harper Government removed special tariff rates for countries such as China and Brazil.  This raised the rates up.  It is the importers that pay the tariff, so they, the importers, raised their prices to distributors to cover their higher costs and the distributors, in turn, raised prices to consumers.   (And don't forget that the higher prices means more GST for the government.)

So where do the increased tariffs paid by the importers go? 
It goes in to the pockets of the Harper government, of course.  To the tune of $335 million per year.

When the Canadian government collects more money from Canadians, in any form, it is a tax.  To call it anything else or deny that it exists is dishonest.

Bicycles, tricycles and wagons; children's toys; cancer-victim's wigs... almost 1,300 products from 72 countries; these are not luxury items afforded by the rich.  These are all-class items purchased by Canadians.

It is a pretty sad day for Canadians.

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