Tuesday 13 September 2011

Playing mind games

I have been having a good time the last few days playing on-line mind games with a Conservative blogger here in Ottawa.  In general I would not go out my way to do it but this guy just set me off.  He describes himself as "non-partisan" and goes on to smugly state that there are "bright lights" on both side of the house.  Then he routinely launches into a tirade against everything not-Conservative and promotes only Con candidates in the election.  That is his right, I do not deny it, but he is being a lot less than honest. 

Now I do not get abusive or hit him with zingers.  I calmly make a case that there is more to a story than just his side.  For example, in a recent entry on the provincial election he wrote this,

"OMG.  Sorry I’m so late posting my blog today but I really couldn’t stop laughing long enough to type.  Yesterday, the CBC posted a news story where the Liberal finance minister, Dwight Duncan made a promise that if re-elected in October, the Liberals will guarantee that they will not raise taxes or implement new fees. I’ll wait for you to stop laughing and to regain your composure… This is the same government that said in 2007 that they would hold the line on taxes then introduced the HST and tried to introduce the ECO fees on almost everything you buy (by the way, ECO fees are only on hold while they study another way to implement it).  And this is the same party that in 2003 signed a pledge they would not raise taxes and after winning the election, introduce the health tax  in their very first budget.  So really it makes one wonder, if they are saying the same thing again, knowing full well that voters will be very skeptical of this promise, what is the value or veracity of anything else the Liberals say in this election campaign?  It really makes one wonder what Dalton McGuinty and the provincial Liberals know about the Ontario public that me and many of the people I know are missing.  Remember the saying George Bush made famous: Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. What is the saying if we get fooled a third time?  My stomach is cramping!"

What was my response?

"Have to join in this guffaw, -----.  Kinda reminds me of a government that told us that the budget was balanced when they had run up a $5.2 billion deficit. Or remember that guy, I can’t recall his name - Stephen Something, that broke his own election day law by proroguing parliament and calling an election?  How about that guy who lied about needing $50 million for border security only to spend it on gazebos and port-a-potties in his own riding.  Ah, politics. Ya gotta love it."

When inexperienced critics are taken to task by simple logic it stops them dead in their tracks.  They seldom have a witty response available to them so they move on to the next criticism.

I told my kids when they were growing up that is easier to be a critic than an author.  Maybe some of those bloggers out there could start to pay attention to that.

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